Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Jade Peony and The Other Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Jade Peony and The Other Family - Essay Example They are caused to feel like untouchables, now and again and this can be exceptionally mortifying. They need to attempt to overlook the language and lifestyle that they have been utilized to since their adolescence, on the off chance that they are to adjust to life in their new country. This can be an excruciating encounter, since they need to quit any trace of something that is exceptionally near their souls. It is simpler for youngsters and youngsters to roll out these improvements and to adjust to life in their new country. For more established individuals it very well may be significantly more hard to surrender a lifestyle that they have been utilized to for their entire lives. It is significantly progressively hard for guardians, who feel dismissed, when their youngsters embrace the language and culture of their new country. Bannerji, in The Other Family features the sentiment of weakness of a migrant mother, who says to her lone little girl Is this the family you might want to have Don't you need us any longer You need to be a mem sahib, a white young lady (143). She stresses that some time or another her girl would be embarrassed about her and would move out into the universe of the occupants of their new country. She feels that some time or another they would be adversaries. She is anxious about the possibility that that she will lose her kid. She feels that the individuals in her new country have the ability to smash little individuals like her whenever. She uncovered her dread of dismissal to her little girl.

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